Friday, July 25, 2008


colibri here:
I know, I know, I'm jumping the gun by a few days but it doesn't matter.

Thats right kids, [DRiFT] is TWO years old. It's an amazing achievement for any clan/team of any game but made more amazing by the fact sa-mp clans generally don't last long periods of time, I dare say we're the oldest dedicated drifting clan still sliding. The current members of drift are also the 3 who formed the clan over 700 days ago. I know I did step down from a direct role with the clan due to being busy with personal stuff going on at the time but I still consider drift my home even if I choose not to wear the tags at this time.

Your imagination and creativity simply fucking amazes me. [DRiFT] would have gone nowhere fast without you pushing the boundaries of our modding skills. Your the reason we can turn out hot looking cars and skins as well as other random modifications like those god damn hydraulics you made. Your also a great person to talk to when life generally sucks. From GTAS to abolition to GTS to [DRiFT] to [J.E.W] I'm glad you stuck around and became a good mate of mine =]
Congratulations on your getting your P's Jason. (cunt) :D


Where the fuck do I begin here?
Started off as a random samper and turned into one of my closest mates.
From sliding in samp to owning a balls out drift ready r31.
Seriously [DRiFT] is an achievement but it's nothing
compared to everything else. I know that sounds lame as fuck.
But its true.
Look forward to drifting Queensland raceway with you in December.

Everybody else:
to all the past members of [DRiFT] that we've had the pleasure of drifting with over the years thanks for hanging around us and getting involved even the short term members. Was good to see some interest by the Aussie community.

Big thanks to all the other Aussie clans and the aussie samp community.
I know i'm generally a prick and talk shit 99% of the time but you dudes make samp fun :)

Huge thanks to the international support from other drifting clans and dedicated drifters from around the world commenting our mods and cars.
It means alot :)

Cheers dudes.
Reckon we can make it to three years?
Time will tell.
but for now.
We have caek to eet.